4 ways Measure M will help create safe, walkable communities in LA County

This November, Los Angeles County voters will have an opportunity to drastically improve the way they get around the region every day, and the way people move around LA for generations to come.

The November ballot will include a measure called Measure M, also known as the “Los Angeles Country Traffic Improvement Plan.” Measure M is a half-cent sales tax increase that will generate over $850 million every year to improve mobility and transportation options throughout LA County.

Investing in Place, which tracks public investment in the built environment, recently conducted a poll of LA County voters. The poll shows broad support for a forward-thinking and world class transportation plan for Los Angeles County, with overwhelming support for fixing broken sidewalks, adding safe crosswalks, safe routes to school, and easier access to transit.

Los Angeles Walks supports Measure M because of the enormous impact it will have on the safety and walkability of communities throughout LA County.

Here are 4 ways Measure M will make Los Angeles County one of the easiest places to walk, bike, and roll in the nation:

  1. It will fund walking, biking, and complete streets projects. Over $4 billion over the next 50 years will be dedicated towards walking, biking, and complete streets projects. These projects will benefit people of all ages and abilities, like children walking to school and seniors walking to the supermarket. In fact, $900 million will be set aside to improve access to transit, allowing more of us to safely get to and from the rapidly growing Metro system.

  2. It will help cities repair local streets and sidewalks. Up to 17% of revenue generated countywide by Measure M will go back to cities to repair local infrastructure (called “local return”).  Even though fixing streets and sidewalks is the responsibility of local jurisdictions, many cities haven’t had enough funding to keep sidewalks in good condition or to make them accessible to people with disabilities. Measure M can help. For example, if approved, over $30 million per year in local return will be dedicated to the cities of the Gateway Cities subregion and over $17 million per year to the cities of the South Bay subregion.

  3. It will complete the Los Angeles River and San Gabriel Valley Greenways. Measure M includes $650 million in funding to create a more connected greenway network for people of all ages and abilities to ride, walk, run, and roll with their families and friends, whether for recreation or to get to work, school, or anywhere else.   

  4. It will fund walking and biking programs countywide. Metro has reserved $857.5 million – about $20 million per year – for programs and projects conducted throughout the county, like Safe Routes to School, bike safety classes, public education campaigns, open streets, and bike sharing. Measure M revenue would provide a stable source of funding for these ongoing and important programs, which are currently subject to the uncertainty of grant funding.

Investing in Place and Los Angeles Walks will continue to provide voters with the information they need as they head to the ballot box this November.

For more information on Measure M, please visit www.investinginplace.org

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