A fighting chance to fix LA's sidewalks!

Did you catch the news about our sidewalks?

Recently, the LA City Controller released an audit of our City's sidewalk repair program and it wasn't too flattering. Some of the major points include:

  • In the past five years, the City paid over $35 million in settlements related to sidewalk injuries. In 2020 alone, the City paid $12 million.
  • Less than 1% of sidewalk parcels have been certified as repaired and there is a backlog of 50,000 repair requests.
  • It takes on average 41 days to complete a sidewalk repair with asphalt, compared to only 3 days for potholes.

And according to past City reports, nearly 40% of our sidewalks are failing. And too often these sidewalks are in communities with families, children, and seniors that rely on walking, buses, and lack other pedestrian infrastructure. 

We joined other advocates, the City Controller and City Councilmember Blumenfield at a 11/17 press conference. Los Angeles Walks will be working closely with partners and the City Council to make sure this reports leads to serious policy and budget changes.

  • John Yi
    published this page in Blog 2021-12-02 12:12:12 -0800

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