Are you ready for the walking challenge? Join Los Angeles Walks and LA experts to walk the original Los Angeles 4 Corners and boundaries beginning at the Northwest Corner!
Scott Schultz, the producer and host of BUSted Los Angeles, a storytelling platform for people who don't drive, has partnered with LA Walks to kick-off the walk series. Scott is an internationally renowned storyteller and recreational walker who will talk us through the history, culture, and sites of the original 8-mile West boundary of LA.
8:45 am
Meet at Caffe Vita (4459 Sunset Blvd.) to walk to the original Northwest Corner (~4401 Sunset Blvd.)
Intersections to Join or Venture Off Hoover
Santa Monica Blvd. / Bellevue (Cafecito Organico) / 6th (Starbucks) / Pico / Washington
Walk ends at Expo Park
Tickets are $10 per person. You can purchase tickets here or pay in cash on the day of the walk.
Who's RSVPing
Carmina Gomez published this page in Events 2019-09-11 18:58:20 -0700
Scott Schultz is hosting. 2019-09-11 17:50:06 -0700