Join us on Saturday, February 23rd in West Adams for a FREE community block party co-produced by Best Start Metro LA and Los Angeles Walks!
For many months now, Los Angeles Walks has been training and mobilizing First 5 LA Best Start Communities to develop safe street activists and advocates across Los Angeles.
As part of the program model, we work with each Best Start Community to produce a collective action -- one step in the process toward building community power in order to create safer, healthier neighborhoods.
Best Start Metro LA members chose to host a community block party: an effort to reclaim street space for healthy, social activities, and an effort to raise awareness of their work to advocate for much-needed curb ramps in the neighborhood.
Join us in West Adams on Saturday, February 23 anytime from 11am-3pm for fun, games, and food! All ages welcome, of course!

Who's RSVPing
John Guevarra rsvped 2019-02-14 10:17:33 -0800