Here's what we covered in our update this month --
Next Tuesday, November 29, you can keep seniors walking for a healthy, happy older adulthood. #GivingTuesday
Keep Seniors on the Move this #GivingTuesday
Mr. Wong (top left) walks six miles a day through Westlake and Koreatown. But many of his neighbors are afraid to walk two blocks to Food4Less. This #GivingTuesday, you can make Westlake safer for hundreds of older adults by providing group walks, trainings, and workshops. Programming you make possible will bring attention and resources to the senior walking environment in Westlake and beyond. Learn more >
Footnotes 2016 is Out
This year's edition of our annual publication brought together gerontologists, policy advocates, and activists to address the mobility concerns of LA's seniors. How will Los Angeles accommodate this booming population? Find out >
You're Invited: Sidewalk Repair Info Session 11/30
The long-awaited City of Los Angeles Sidewalk Repair Program is underway. How will it work? Where will the City start? Find out directly from Ted Bardacke, Director of Infrastructure, Los Angeles Mayor's Office, on November 30, 1pm-3pm, Arts District. Presented by Los Angeles Walks, Investing in Place, and Tree People. RSVP now >
Bike Ped Count Numbers are In
The LA County Bicycle Coalition recently released the 2015 Bike Ped Count report. The effort, funded by AARP and supported by Los Angeles Walks, counted nearly 21,000 people biking and 140,000 people walking over six hours at 156 distinct locations. Go to the numbers >
See you on the sidewalk!
Los Angeles Walks