UPDATE 8.24.17: Find the LA Vision Zero Alliance Policy Platform here.
Vision Zero is an initiative that aims to reduce and eventually eliminate the number of people killed and injured on city streets, including people walking, biking, driving, being driven, or riding public transit.
Los Angeles adopted the policy in August 2015, when Mayor Garcetti signed a directive [PDF] that commits the city to reducing traffic fatalities to zero by 2025.
Since November 2015, Los Angeles Walks has convened the Vision Zero Alliance, a coalition of community organizations from around Los Angeles that supports and influences the City's Vision Zero efforts.
The Alliance works to ensure that communities are engaged in the engineering, education, and enforcement interventions that Vision Zero brings to LA neighborhoods. We also urge the City to consider alternatives to traditional enforcement strategies and to increase transparency around traffic enforcement. The Alliance is committed to social equity and amplifying the voices of Los Angeles' most vulnerable residents, who have a higher risk of being killed or seriously injured while walking or biking in LA.
Through the financial support of Kaiser Permanente, Los Angeles Walks collaborates with community groups around LA to learn more about the impact of traffic deaths and injuries in our communities and discuss how to prevent them.
The City of Los Angeles offers information on traffic crashes in L.A. in a Vision Zero Fact Sheet. The City also provides insight on common collision types, how to counter dangerous behavior, and how to redesign streets with safety in mind in a Collision and Countermeasure Analysis and Literature Review.
If you are interested in participating in the LA Vision Zero Alliance as a member organization or individual member, please complete and submit this form.