Vision Zero project location prioritization: Tell LADOT where to begin


People walking and biking account for about half of all traffic deaths in Los Angeles, even though they’re involved in only 14% of traffic collisions. Through its Vision Zero initiative, the City of Los Angeles has committed to eliminate all traffic fatalities and serious injuries in L.A. by the year 2025, with an initial focus on those most at risk - people walking and biking.

Los Angeles Walks, as part of the Los Angeles Vision Zero Alliance, is working to influence the City’s efforts, and we would like your input.

The City has studied the causes of collisions throughout L.A. and the steps that can be taken to reduce those causes. Now the City needs to determine WHERE to take action first – maybe where the most severe crashes occur, where kids and seniors are most at risk, or in neighborhoods that have been historically neglected.

Take a look at six possible categories for prioritizing Vision Zero project locations in our city, then have your say! Click here to rank those categories from first priority to last. Or, offer a new category the City may not have considered or recommend deletion of one that shouldn’t be considered in the prioritization process.

The ranking will close on Wednesday, March 30, so submit your vote now. Thanks for taking a minute to make sure Vision Zero starts out on the right foot.

About Vision Zero:

Vision Zero is a worldwide initiative aimed at eliminating all traffic fatalities by utilizing data and collaboration across agencies and various government departments. The initiative places an emphasis on protecting the most vulnerable of travelers: those who walk and bike.

On August 24, 2015 Mayor Eric Garcetti issued Executive Directive #10, establishing the citywide Vision Zero initiative. A year prior, in September 2014, the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) adopted Vision Zero as a key part of its strategic plan. Eliminating traffic fatalities and serious injuries is also a core objective of the City’s Mobility Plan 2035, adopted by the City Council in January 2016.

To achieve Vision Zero, Mayor Garcetti has established a Vision Zero Steering Committee and a Vision Zero Task Force to support the work of LADOT. The Steering Committee is comprised of the Police, Fire, Public Works, and Water & Power departments as well as the County Department of Public Health. Additional city agency and stakeholder representatives comprise the Vision Zero Task Force, and community-based and nonprofit organizations that make up the L.A. Vision Zero Alliance. 

Since Vision Zero launched, the L.A. Department of Transportation and consultants have analyzed years of traffic collision data to better understand what's causing collisions on the streets of L.A. They have also researched countermeasures that can reduce those collisions, and looked at how similar cities across the country have applied those measures (see full report here).

With this information in mind, the City is currently working to prioritize Vision Zero project locations, and is accepting your input.  Submit your vote by Wednesday, March 30: click here to vote now!

Check back here for Vision Zero project updates, progress reports, and opportunities for involvement in the future.


The L.A. Vision Zero Alliance is a group of organizations that leverage their unique strengths and work with community members and the City of Los Angeles to develop safe streets for all residents. Los Angeles Walks is among twelve members of the L.A. Vision Zero Alliance, a growing coalition that also includes AARP California, Advancement Project, Asian Pacific Islander Obesity Prevention Alliance, Multicultural Communities for Mobility, the LA County Bicycle Coalition, Safe Routes to School National Partnership, TRUST South LA, Youth Policy Institute, and more.

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  • Thelma G. Wheeler
    commented 2016-07-22 05:02:56 -0700
    Successful implementation of Vision Zero in Los Angeles requires a drastic change in approach—where moving cars is no longer the main imperative for streets—as well as public understanding and support, both broadly and for specific projects. #visionzero


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