Action Alert: Support a More Walkable LA


On Thursday at 8:30AM, the City Planning Commission will consider the Mobility Plan 2035 at their meeting at Van Nuys City Hall, Council Chamber 2nd Floor. We'd like you to join us to speak in favor of the Mobility Plan, which carries forward the best parts of the L.A. Bicycle Plan, while adding in family-friendly protected bike lanes to the City's toolbox of street improvements. The Plan also connects a much-needed improvements for people walking with a better bike network and transit. Most importantly, the Plan promotes complete streets that serve all people who travel on them, with special focus on the most vulnerable road users: children, the elderly, pedestrians and bicyclists. Please join us at the meeting and/or add your voice by emailing the City Planning Commission (see sample below).

The Commission needs to hear from you. People that are opposed to the improvements we've seen on L.A. streets are already mobilizing against this new Plan. We are counting on supporters like you to share your thoughts at the hearing and by email. If you can come to the meeting, please email [email protected].

 What does the Mobility Plan do?
  • Makes safety the City’s number one transportation priority, particularly the safety of children walking to school
  • Sets design speeds for city streets and provides engineering and enforcement solutions to stop the constant increase in speed limits
  • Proposes a new network of protected bike lanes across L.A.
  • Doubles the share of Measure R Local Return for walking and bicycling
  • Calls for annual bicycle and pedestrian counts by LADOT
  • Sets a performance metric of zero increase in car travel per person
Los Angeles Walks, LACBC and other stakeholders were involved in the development of the plan to ensure that the needs of L.A.’s bicyclists and pedestrians are a priority. Los Angeles Walks worked with the Department of City Planning to prioritize pedestrian mobility throughout the plan, because walking is a component of every trip, and high quality pedestrian access in needed on every streets. Let's make this a reality in Los Angeles by passing this Plan and supporting its implementation.
You can see the final EIR and staff report here.

Mobility Plan at City Planning Commission

When: Thu, May 28, 8:30am – 12:00pm. The Mobility Plan will be the first item on the agenda, so please make sure to be there at 8:30 AM.
Where: Van Nuys City Hall, Council Chamber, 2nd Floor, 14410 Sylvan Street, Van Nuys, CA 91401(map)

If you cannot make it to the meeting, please send your comment directly to James Williams in the City Planning Commission office at [email protected] and bcc: [email protected] Sample Email

Subject: CPC-2013-910-GPA-SP-CA-SMC Mobility Plan 2035 - SUPPORT
Dear President Ambroz and Commissioners,
I support adopting the Mobility Plan 2035, including all of its proposed networks. As a pedestrian, I strongly support this Plan because I believe that it will help make L.A. streets better for all of us walking, biking, taking transit and driving.

The well-connected network of complete streets improvements the Plan includes will give people healthier options to get around our neighborhoods and our whole city. Calmer traffic and safer streets are critical to protect and enhance our quality of life. We need this plan to ensure all modes of transportation work together for our city. The modal networks in the Plan were carefully crafted to balance the needs of all who will use them. We can't afford to piecemeal them to appease local naysayers without undermining their citywide utility.This Plan also supports LADOT's goal of eliminating all traffic deaths by 2025. Right now, a person walking or bicycling is killed on L.A. streets every three days. We know that good design, along with education and enforcement, is essential to meeting this goal. This Plan gives all city agencies the tools and the direction to work together toward making L.A. a safe city to move around in.

(Personal comments)
Please support the Mobility Plan 2035 so that we can all travel safely on the streets of L.A.
(Your name)
(Your address)


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