The senior population in Los Angeles is booming. From 2010 to 2030, LA’s population of people over 65 is expected to nearly double, from 1.1 million to 2.1 million. And just like national statistics show, seniors in Los Angeles are overrepresented in fatal and serious pedestrian crash data.
Through our Safe Routes for Seniors program, Los Angeles Walks engages older adults to assess their communities’ needs, then supports seniors to become agents of change. In collaboration with local senior housing facilities, senior centers, and community-based organizations, we meet with senior residents to identify obstacles to walking, develop a set of design solutions to improve walkability and safety for senior residents, and advocate for physical changes on the street and sidewalks seniors frequent.
A city that serves seniors also serves people of all ages. Safe routes for seniors are safe routes for everyone, which perfectly fits Los Angeles Walks’ mission to make walking in Los Angeles safe, pleasant, accessible for all Angelenos.
If you are interested in participating in the Safe Routes for Seniors program, please contact [email protected].